Thursday, August 18, 2016

GSoC 2016 #Final

Prediction and forecasting

The last challenge I faced during GSoC was to implement Kim prediction and forecasting. At first it appeared to be quite difficult, because I dealt with both mathematical and architectural issues. Here's a short overview of the subject.

Prediction maths

Kalman filter in Statsmodels has three modes of prediction:
  • Static prediction. This is prediction of the next observation based on current. This type of prediction is equivalent to usual Kalman filtering routine.
  • Dynamic prediction. Still don't get its purpose.
  • Forecasting. Mathematically speaking, forecast of the out-of-sample observation is its expectation conditional on known observations.
My goal was to implement two of these types - static prediction and forecasting in case of switching regimes, i.e. construct Kim prediction and forecasting device.
I haven't got any problems with static prediction, because it's also equivalent to Kim filtering. But forecasting issue is not covered in [1], so I had to use my own intelligence to come up with mathematical routine, calculating future data expectation and covariance, conditional on known observations. Basically it's just a Kim filter, but without Hamilton filtering step and with underlying Kalman filters working in prediction mode.

Prediction code

My laziness forced intention to write less code and reuse the existing. The idea was to somehow reuse Kalman filter prediction, but when I came up with the correct forecast routine I understood that it doesn't appear to be possible. So I had to implement all the routine myself, which is located at kim_filter.KimPredictionResults._predict method. Luckily the prediction code is much more compact then the filter's one. Also I didn't have to care so much about optimality, since prediction doesn't take part in likelihood optimization.

Some nice pics

Since no test data is available for forecasting, I used iPython notebooks as a sort of visual testing.
I added pictures of static (one-step-ahead) prediction and forecasting to Lam's model and MS-AR model notebooks, they look sensible and my mentor liked them:
(this is for Lam's model)
(and that's for MS-AR)
Forecast's variance is constant, because it's fast to find a stationary value.

GSoC: Summary

I'm proud to say that I've completed almost all items of my proposal, except of constructing a generic Kim filter with an arbitrary r number of previous states to look up. But this is due to performance problems, which to be solved require more time then GSoC permits. In detail, implemented pure-Python r=2 case works slowly and is to be rewritten in Cython.
Anyway, a good advantage of my Kim filter implementation, as mentioned by my mentor, is using logarithms to work with probabilities. It gives a high improvement in precision, as I conclude from testing.
A broad report on what's completed and what's not can be found here in github comments.

GSoC: My impressions

GSoC has surely increased my level of self-confidence. I've made a lot of nice work, written 10k lines of code (I was expecting much less, to be honest), met many nice people and students.
I have to admit, that GSoC appeared to be easier than I thought. The most difficult and nervous part of GSoC was building a good proposal. I remember, that I learned a lot of new material in very short terms  - I even had to read books about state space models during vacation, from my smartphone, sitting in a plane or a subway train.
I also started working on my project quite early - in the beginning of May. So, I had like 60% of my project completed by the midterm, and I didn't start working full time yet, because my school and exams finished only by the end of June.
So I worked hard during July, spending days in the local library, but still, I think I never worked like 8 hours a day. Eventually, to the beginning of the August I completed almost everything, the only left thing was prediction and forecasting, discussed previously in this post.
I dreamed about taking part in GSoC since I was sophomore, and I'm glad I finally did it. The GSoC code I produced is definitely the best work I've ever done, but I hope to do more in future.
Thanks for reading my blog! It was created for GSoC needs only, but I think I will continue writing, as I get something interesting to tell.


[1] "State-space Models With Regime Switching" by Chang-Jin Kim and Charles R. Nelson.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

GSoC 2016 #5

Dynamic Factor Model

There is one more item in my proposal, which I haven't yet mention in my reports, although I've been working on it before refactoring phase and TVP model implementation. This is a Markov switching dynamic factor model, we will use its following specification:
y, as usual, is an observation process, and (1) is an observation equation. f is a factor, changing according to (2) - factor transition equation, which is a VAR model with Markov switching intercept. Observation error is a VAR model, too, as (3) states.
Statsmodels already has a non-switching DFM realization in file, which has almost the same specification, but without Markov switching intercept term in factor transition equation, so the first challenge was to extend DynamicFactor class and add analogous, but non-switching intercept. This parameter is required, because it is used for switching intercept initialization in Maximum Likelihood Estimation. regime_switching/ and regime_switching/tests/ files contain my experiments with MS-DFM, which were unsuccessful due to reasons, discussed in the next section.

Irresistible obstacles

Non-switching DynamicFactor class is a big piece of code itself, and since a lot of its functionality is shared with switching model, the only right solution is to extend it by SwitchingDynamicFactor class. The problem is that this class wasn't supposed to be extended, so it was quite tricky until I realised that it's a bad idea. For example, I have to substitute DynamicFactor's KalmanSmoother instance by an ugly descendant of KimSmoother with some interface changes to achieve compatibility with non-switching model. After a series of similar sophisticated manipulations I came up with a thought that it's impossible to construct a SwitchingDynamicFactor class without changes in the parent class. However, in my experience there are not so many changes needed.
Another problem is about testing data. I use this Gauss code sample from Kim and Nelson book. This is the only code I know to test MS-DFM against. But the disappointment is that this testing model is incompatible with presented formerly - observation equation contains lagged factor terms, while ours uses only the current factor. I also tried to use some tricks, the main was to group lagged factors into one vector factor. After several errors and considerations, I figured out that this is a bad idea, because a transition noise covariance matrix becomes singular. The only solution I see now is to extend DFM and MS-DFM model, so that they could handle lagged factors in observation equation, but this is a time-consuming challenge.

What's next?

The thing I'm working on right now is constructing a generic forecasting to Kim filter, which is the last important feature to be added. I spent a couple of days just thinking how to implement this, but now I'm finally writing the code. Forecasting should be a very visual thing, so I would add it to the existing notebooks, which is also a kind of testing.


[1] "State-space Models With Regime Switching" by Chang-Jin Kim and Charles R. Nelson.